Tuesday 31 July 2012

My family

Hello flower,

So it's day eleven and today I am going to write about

My Family

Family... wow! My family are incredible. The expression "you can't choose your family' is true for everyone, but if I were given the choice, I wouldn't change a thing!
My close family is quite small, just me my mum dad and brother, but I have a really large extensive family too who are equally fantastic, I only wish I could see a bit more of them!

I realise how lucky I am to have a family, and always try to never take them for granted. My parents are supportive in whatever I choose to do, (within reason!) and have been especially amazing these past couple of months when I finished university and looked for a job.

I wish I saw more of my big brother. He lives on the other side of the country which means I only see him a couple of times a year. There is nothing preventing me from getting my bum in gear and seeing him more, especially as he might be moving to New Zealand in the near future (scary.)

That's nearly all there is to tell in that department. I am very fortunate when it comes to family!

Love and peace,

Heppy xxx

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