Friday 20 July 2012

Something I feel strongly about.

Hello flower, 

So it's day two of the thirty day blog challenge

Today's topic is:

Something I Feel Strongly About

Today I have decided to write about gratitude. I am a firm believer in appreciating the hand you have been dealt in life, and I believe that by practicing a positive attitude you can make everything seem a little easier. 

This topic is very relevant and close to my heart due to my current situation. Having just finished university, I am currently searching for a job and living on next to nothing. I rely on my savings to pay for food and my bills/rent. This is a very stressful environment to be living in, and the stress levels have been taking their toll on my health recently, I've been poorly and losing a lot of sleep. 

A few nights ago I was lying in bed with my boyfriend, complaining about our bed. It basically came down to it being a 3/4 size - not quite big enough for a couple to share comfortably, and the useless mattress that means I wake up with backache most mornings. This developed into a rant regarding how I don't feel I'll ever be able to afford a decent bed for us. 

After a couple of moments, I paused and said "wait!" 

I suddenly realised how horribly ungrateful I was being. I remembered that there are so many people in this world who don't have a bed. There are so many people who don't have a roof over their heads. There are so many people who don't even have the privilege of living in a safe environment. 

Who am I to complain?! I was focusing way too much on what is lacking in my life and forgetting how lucky I am. I have a college education, a safe place to live in a lovely city with my boyfriend who I love and who loves me in return. I have loving parents and a great network of friends. I have so many things to be grateful for.

In summary, it is always important to remember what you have to be grateful for. A positive attitude really does go a long way. 

“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life & the world.” (John Milton)

Gala Darling has lots to say in regard to gratitude. You should check her out! 

That's all from me today. 

Love and peace, 

Heppy xxx

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