Monday 19 November 2012

Winter skin: All you need is love! (And aqueous cream.)

Well hello there flower,

Sorry it's been so long! Too long!

I've been a bit chaotic as of late, and very up and down. More about that later.

I'm very much a summer person, always have been, and lately my skin has really been suffering at the hands of the wintery climate in the UK, along with my mood.

Having always suffered from eczema, when my dry and itchy skin returned with a vengeance this month, I decided I'd had enough and visited my doctor to be prescribed antibiotics and strong steroid creams.

I also discovered aqueous cream - what a revelation. And so I thought I'd share a little tip with all those of you also suffering this winter. The itchy eczema also attacked my poor face leaving me unable to wear make up and a bit glum.

Here is a couple of tips:

1) Use aqueous cream to cleanse and moisturise. 
When showering, wash your face with water only (I remove my make up with Simple cleansing wipes before bed) after your shower, slap a load of aqueous cream on your face (I mean loads, your face should be completely white!) then rinse off. Towel dry, then rub in some more as a moisturiser.
This, along with a little hydrocortisone (from a chemist) on the worst parts got my face back to its normal happy self!

2) Shower in luke-warm water.
Never use hot water on your skin. Especially not on your face, as it really drys it out.

3) Moisturise LOADS
Once out of the cool shower, kinda dab a towel on yourself, but don't scrub yourself dry completely. This way you're a little damp still, and then the moisturiser can work better as it traps in the moisture. NOW COVER YOURSELF IN AQUEOUS. I WON'T SAY IT AGAIN!

I hope someone finds some comfort from my advice, I know how horrible it is having dry itchy skin.

Here is a photo of my hand covered in henna in Morocco:
Look how angry, swollen and sore my poor hands have been in the past!

Here are my hands today. So much better, I bought new nail varnish (and a hat) to celebrate!:

Another thing to make me smile today: 

John Mayer's ability to make women's knickers fall off. 

And this never fails to make me laugh until I'm almost sick:

Love and peace, 


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