Thursday 19 July 2012

The thirty day blog challenge - Day 1

Hello flower,

I've been aiming to post here more regularly, but unfortunately I've found it difficult to know where to begin. Due to having some extra free time at the moment, I've decided to set myself a little challenge to encourage my writing. I am intending to do the thirty day blog challenge as seen below.

Okay so here we go! I start with five ways to win my heart. Of course, my heart is already taken by my lovely boyfriend Tom, who I now live with, but I'm playing the blog game aren't I!?

Five Ways to Win My Heart

1) FOOD.   I think it is quite widely known amongst the people who know me that I love food. At night my boyfriend and I often lie in bed and discuss food for hours! My biggest weaknesses are currently chocolate, avocado, southern fried chicken, houmous... the list goes on.... Have you been here? Food porn! Because I can't afford a lot of food at the moment, I like to fantasize about it instead.

2) HUMOUR.  I'm a sucker for anyone who can make me laugh. Tom can make me laugh just by making the slightest noise or facial expression, and at the moment this is essential to keeping me smiling!

3) FILM.  Because films are a massive passion of mine, I love it when I find like-minded souls whom I can sit down and enjoy a good film with. Some of my favourites are Amelie, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and The Darjeeling Limited. 

4) CONVERSATION.  What would life be without good conversation? I love getting into deep and meaningful conversations with people (albeit when I've had too many glasses of wine...) It's an amazing feeling when you find someone who makes you think.

5) MUSIC.   Music is a huge part of my life. It is a rare point in my day when there is no music playing or I'm not humming/singing/tapping or practicing my flute. I find it hard to connect with people who don't enjoy music, because I feel like they couldn't possibly understand me. 

Well that's all folks! See you tomorrow for day two. 

Love and peace, 

Heppy xxx 

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