Tuesday 24 July 2012

A new job and my day.

Hello flower,

So in regard to my thirty days I'm afraid I have been a little slack these last few days! I had a trial day yesterday and was given a job, and I started today! It is such fantastic news to have got a job so soon after finishing university, I am so relieved and grateful.

How funny, day four of the thirty days is to 'bullet my day'. So here we go, here is what happened at the first day of my new job.

Bullet Your Day
- 6.45am: Radio alarm goes off, I have a five minute snooze to Chris Moyles then roll out of bed.
- 6.50-7.30am: Normal morningy activities done in super speed. By 7:30am I am clean, dressed, made up, fed, watered, and ready to set off for my new job.
- 7:30-7.45am: A brisker than necessary walk to the train station in panic that I might miss my train.
- 7:45am: I get to the station, a train is waiting! I panic and leap aboard before realising I am very early.
- 8:15am: I arrive to my destination forty five minutes early - oops! It's always better to be too early than too late.
-8:15am - 9am: I find the actual place of work with the help of google maps. I then walk back into town and find a lovely coffee shop where I enjoy a large black americano (my favourite!) outside in the sunshine. What great preparation for my day! (In hindsight maybe a regular coffee would be better than a large - I was wired!)
- 9am-5:30pm: I look around the place, meet members of staff and undergo training. The working day is busy with lots of information to take in, but I have enjoyed my first day!
-5:30pm-5:45pm: Run to the train with Marc, my new colleague before realising we are actually early. What is it with today and being early?!
- 5:45-6:15pm: Train ride home is enjoyable, if a little toasty. Today is hot!
-6:15-6:30pm: Stroll back home whilst on the phone to my mum, discussing my day.

Now I am sat, back home with my boyfriend and his mate Joe. Nice to be back home and relaxing. How was your day?

Love and peace,

Heppy xxx

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