Saturday 28 July 2012

Five pet peeves...

Hello flower,

Today my weekend begins (my days off are Sunday and Monday) yaaaaaaaaay!

It's day seven...  and here are my

Top Five Pet Peeves!

1) Rudeness
I really cannot abide people who are unnecessarily rude.

2) The climate
As a summer person, I often find the weather in England really depressing. I am so much happier when it's sunny outside. Perhaps I need to emigrate to somewhere really sunny!

3) Ignorance
Some say "ignorance is bliss.." that's not the kind of ignorance I'm talking about. I don't think there's any need for offensive ignorance. If you don't understand, get informed before you open your mouth and offend people.

4) Rubbish television
I've never been a big fan of television. There are few programmes on telly that I enjoy, and I could quite happily live without a TV providing that I still had access to films. One thing I can't stand is sitting through some rubbish programme because there's nothing on. Just switch it off and read a book!

5) Creamy food
Rice pudding. White sauce. Cheese sauce. Bread and butter pudding. Custard. Cream. YUCK.

Wow, that felt like a really negative post! I'm gonna balance it out with a few things that have made me happy today:

- My mum's baking that she left with me yesterday - flapjack for breakfast and homemade biscuits getting me through work.
- Tom rolling into bed at 5am, steaming drunk, and being super soppy - nawwr!
- Reminiscing about my university graduation yesterday.
- Seeing my brother and his lovely lovely girlfriend, and the note they left me for when I got home.
- Having a good laugh with Marc at work.
- Indulging in boiled eggs with soldiers - my ultimate comfort food!

Love and peace,

Heppy xxxx

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