Tuesday 3 June 2014

Book Review: One Moment, One Morning

Hello flower,

As some of you may know, I'm a huge bookworm. This past week, I've had a really nasty back, so as you can imagine, I've spent a lot of time lying on my back, reading.

Today I finished:

One Moment, One Morning by Sarah Rayner

Out of a possible five stars on goodreads, I gave the book 5/5. If I was marking out of ten, I'd give it a nine.

It was the blurb that really got my attention when I picked this up in my local charity shop:

'The 07.44 train from Brighton to London. Carraiges packed with commuters. One woman occupies her time observing the people around her. Opposite, a girl applies her make-up. Across the aisle, a husband strokes his wife's hand. Further along, a woman flicks through a glossy magazine. 

Then, abruptly, everything changes: a man collapses, the train is stopped, an ambulance called. And for three passengers that particular morning, life will never be the same again.'

At first, I was a little put off by the present-tense narrative of the book, but I found I settled to it very quickly. I'd describe this as a book about relationships, in particular the friendship of three women.

Bizarrely, the plot of the novel wasn't that extensive... not a lot happened, but for some reason I found this book absolutely gripping and I inhaled it over three or four days. 
Although the story goes heavily into the dark topics of mourning and death, I found this book quite uplifting, and grateful for what I have.

I'd recommend this to anyone who is looking for a very human novel about friendship. 

This morning I started 'The Night Circus' by Erin Morgenstern. 

What are you reading at the moment? Have you any recommendations for me?

Love and peace, 

Heppy xxx

Why hello and gold-tipped nails

Hello sunshine!

Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted here (almost two years!)

Over the past half term week I've had a bad back that had me pretty much bed ridden. So I spent a lot of time on my iPad, reading blogs! I've always loved catching up on my favourite blogs, and I thought it's time I give this another go.

As a piano teacher, I always have to make sure my nails look okay as they're under scrutiny 24/7. I usually just give them a gloss coat, but here's something new I did to stem my boredom that I'd like to share:

Gold-Tipped Nails

Pretty cool huh? I like the way they look quite smart/casual. By that, I mean they'd look good casually, or with an evening gown.  I like the shade, it's half silver, half gold... sild? golver? 

Here's a better photo. (Unfortunately my eczema is on display here, sorry guys.) 

So it's mega simple:
First, I filed and buffed my nails. I then applied a base coat. Then I painted the tips gold using Nails Inc shade 103.

Et voila, off I go to teach piano!

Love and peace, 
