Saturday 4 February 2012

Welcome, Beinvenue, Shalom, Velkommen and so on.

Why hello there!

Delighted to meet you. I'm Heppy, and this is my blog!

Having had a tumblr for well over three years, I decided it was time to stumble into the stratosphere of blogging for real.
I've grown sick of the constant re-blogging and recycling of other people's photos and ideas. There's no time like the present to start writing for real. I yearn to CREATE!
I believe the most important thing in this short life is to find happiness, therefore it naturally follows that I want this blog is to focus on appreciating life's beauty, being happy, creative and feeling inspired.

You've had a simplified version of how I came to find myself here today. Now to tell you a little bit about myself. (Never easy!)

My name is Hepzibah Clair Deane, but I go by the name of Heppy. A bit of a bizzare name I know, but I feel when you have a silly name you have no choice but to live up to it!

I am currently twenty-one years old. I'm a girl, living in Leeds, UK. Currently I don't have a job, but I am in the final year of studying for my degree in music. This means for now and the next few months I spend more time in a practice room than outside. But that's soon to change. More about that later!

Anyway, enough from me for now.

Love and peace,


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