Saturday 4 February 2012


Couldn't resist posting again very quickly to say "IT'S SNOWING"... Despite being a grown up I still become filled with a child-like glee whenever it snows. As Michael Mcintyre once said - "the only time it's acceptable to wake up your partner is if someone famous has died, or if it's snowing outside." I'd definitely agree with this statement. I find it sad that when you grow up people start huffing and puffing about the inconvenience of snow. I'd definitely be the first to wake you up when it's snowing.
Here is a photo of me embracing the snow and pretending to be Sara from A Little Princess - my favourite childhood film.

Happy snow day if you're having one!

Love and peace,


Welcome, Beinvenue, Shalom, Velkommen and so on.

Why hello there!

Delighted to meet you. I'm Heppy, and this is my blog!

Having had a tumblr for well over three years, I decided it was time to stumble into the stratosphere of blogging for real.
I've grown sick of the constant re-blogging and recycling of other people's photos and ideas. There's no time like the present to start writing for real. I yearn to CREATE!
I believe the most important thing in this short life is to find happiness, therefore it naturally follows that I want this blog is to focus on appreciating life's beauty, being happy, creative and feeling inspired.

You've had a simplified version of how I came to find myself here today. Now to tell you a little bit about myself. (Never easy!)

My name is Hepzibah Clair Deane, but I go by the name of Heppy. A bit of a bizzare name I know, but I feel when you have a silly name you have no choice but to live up to it!

I am currently twenty-one years old. I'm a girl, living in Leeds, UK. Currently I don't have a job, but I am in the final year of studying for my degree in music. This means for now and the next few months I spend more time in a practice room than outside. But that's soon to change. More about that later!

Anyway, enough from me for now.

Love and peace,
