Saturday 5 May 2012

Pooooorly poor Heppy

Hello flower,

So I'm not feeling very well today. I'm all full of cold which is especially bad because I can't play my flute and right now I should be doing several hours a day because my recital is in a few weeks time... scary!

In other news, I handed in my dissertation yesterday so I'm feeling a lot more relaxed which is great. Also I hurt my ankle doing Jillian Michael's Thirty Day Shred... damn it! I'm not going to pretend that I'm not thankful for a day off haha!

I just made a pint of freshly squeezed orange juice and it was so delicious. I'm going to spend the day making myself feel better, catching up on essays and tidying my room, which looks like it's been hit by a post-dissertation bomb.

Things that are making me smile today:


and also some straight talking advice from the lovely Gala Darling.

And this song is just perfect. Perfect.

Love and peace,

Heppy xxx